Hitesh Dhawan Dec 06, 2012

Tips to create an effective Pay Per Click campaign

Doesn’t matter if your business is online or offline, the finest method of promoting your product or service is through Pay per Click marketing. PPC Marketing delivers quick ROI and is able to create immediate cash flows for your business.

The only complication with Pay per Click Marketing is Poor Campaign Management. Let’s see how to use Pay per Click ad copy template.

1: Understand the basics of Pay per Click

before starting your PPC ad copy, it is important for you to understand some basics of PPC which will enhance your optimization efforts.

Account Structure – It is advised that you set up your campaign to be either “search” or “display” ads, it’s best not to do both collectively in one campaign. Make your monthly financial plan and target your advertisements, according to the segmentation you already did in the character survey. If you don’t have persona’s researched, just aim your advertisements to your desired target audience, and keep your targeted keywords drawn together inside ads.

Ad Content – Write strong advertisements and while writing them ensure to categorize benefits of your product. It is advisable to create various ads for every ad group, so that you are able to experiment which one performs the best.

2: Make Your Keyword Strategy

Keyword study is a very important element of PPC management; it helps you target your targeted traffic to your desired urls. Explore keywords relevant to your landing page and definitely it is good to rank higher for these keywords. There are several free tools offered on the internet which helps you to explore keywords for your page.

3: Find Destination URL

it is web page of a website where you would like your paid traffic to land. Rather than driving your traffic to the less important pages, drive traffic to lead optimized landing pages.

4: Write creative content in Ads

Irrespective of the dissimilarity of advertising mediums, advertisement is all about creativity. Creative writing is a vital feature of ad campaign success.

At the time of writing ads you should remember that search engines have editorial policies and lets you include a certain number of characters in your ads.

About Author

Hitesh Dhawan

Founder of Neuronimbus, A digital evangelist, entrepreneur, mentor, digital tranformation expert. Two decades of providing digital solutions to brands around the world.

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Tips to create an effective Pay Per Click campaign

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