Hitesh Dhawan Jun 06, 2014

Google Quality Update to Enhance the Quality of a Website

With the silent release of the Google Quality Update in May, Google establishes once more that it is absolutely comfortable holding the SEO professionals at its mercy.

What this Update means?

The Google  Updates is confirmed to be a change to Google’s “core ranking algorithm in terms of how it processes quality signals.” According to Google’s new  update, the websites that have higher quality will start to get highlighted higher on the Search Engine Result Pages.

Expect more Quality

Webmasters should be on the lookout for more updates, which might have an effect on your site’s rankings. A few how-to sites have reported dropped rankings, for example HubPages, a website dedicated to offer thousands of “how-to” guides as well as blogs.

Content based on provable facts can very well be one of the factors involved in the new algorithms that add to a site’s “quality.” However, what to make of the HubPages, which has content out-and-out on how to, assumedly, reply on various subjects as well as queries? There’s just not ample information to be acquainted with, for sure.

In spite of this hit to how-to websites, Search Engine Land states that this update did not target any particular type of website. As it’s an update to the search engine ranking procedure, itself.

What to do if Your site is Lacking Quality?

If you’ve observed a dip in rankings ever since the last month, it might mean something’s wrong with your website. If you feel you’ve been hit by the Google major update, you might connect with an SEO service provider, today!!

Or better yet, you can call Search Engine Optimization Companies for your specific requirements. After all, your requirements aren’t a one-size-fits-all affair. The SEO professionals are able to help you come across precisely which services you require to make sure your website’s quality enhances.

So, to make your website not suffer from poor quality, give your website the enhancement it requires through making the most of search engine optimization services, Now!!

About Author

Hitesh Dhawan

Founder of Neuronimbus, A digital evangelist, entrepreneur, mentor, digital tranformation expert. Two decades of providing digital solutions to brands around the world.

Google Quality Update to Enhance the Quality of a Website

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